CodeChef Problems Solutions
5 min readAug 21, 2022


CodeChef Problems Solutions

Codechef Programs Solutions. All Codechef problems Solutions in Single Post, Directly copy-paste these codes into the CodeChef terminal and you are good to go.

1. How do you get solutions in CodeChef?
Answer: To submit a solution choose problem from list of problems and press button ‘Submit’ near the top right corner of the problem page. You can submit multiple solutions to each problem. Score for the problem is equal to the score of the best submitted solution. Reference
2. Where can I find codeforces solution?
Answer: The solution is to go to the problem set-> find that problem -> click on “Solved Column” and you get the page with options to filter the solutions. Refrence
3. What is use of CodeChef?
Answer: CodeChef was created as a platform to help programmers make it big in the world of algorithms, computer programming, and programming contests. It hosts three featured contests every month (Long Challenge, CookOff, LunchTime & Starters) and gives away prizes and goodies to the winners as encouragement. Refrence
4. What is Codechef?
Answer: Code-Chef is an online educational program and competitive programming community of global programmers.

Disclaimer: The above Problems are generated by CodeChef but the solution is provided by Chase2learn.This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purpose.



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