HackerRank SQL Programming Solutions

2 min readJul 9, 2021


  • Basic Select
  1. Revising the Select Query I
  2. Revising the Select Query II
  3. Select All
  4. Select by ID
  5. Japanese Cities’ Attributes
  6. Japanese Cities’ Names
  7. Weather Observation Station 1
  8. Weather Observation Station 3
  9. Weather Observation Station 4
  10. Weather Observation Station 5
  11. Weather Observation Station 6
  12. Weather Observation Station 7
  13. Weather Observation Station 8
  14. Weather Observation Station 9
  15. Weather Observation Station 10
  16. Weather Observation Station 11
  17. Weather Observation Station 12
  18. Higher Than 75 Marks
  19. Employee Names
  20. Employee Salaries
  • Advanced Select
  1. Types of Triangle
  2. The PADS
  3. Occupations
  4. Binary Tree Nodes
  5. New Companies
  • Aggregation
  1. Revising Aggregations -The Count Function
  2. Revising Aggregations -The Sum Function
  3. Revising Aggregations — Averages
  4. Average Population
  5. Japan Population
  6. Population Density Difference
  7. The Blunder
  8. Top Earners
  9. Weather Observation Station 2
  10. Weather Observation Station 13
  11. Weather Observation Station 14
  12. Weather Observation Station 15
  13. Weather Observation Station 16
  14. Weather Observation Station 17
  15. Weather Observation Station 18
  16. Weather Observation Station 19
  17. Weather Observation Station 20
  • Basic Join
  1. Population Census
  2. African Cities
  3. Average Population of Each Continent
  4. The Report
  5. Top Competitors
  6. Ollivander’s Inventory
  7. Challenges
  8. Contest Leaderboard
  • Advanced Join
  1. SQL Project Planning
  2. Placements
  3. Symmetric Pairs
  4. Interviews
  5. 15 Days of Learning SQL
  • Alternative Queries
  1. Draw the Triangle 1
  2. Draw the Triangle 2
  3. Print Prime Numbers

Disclaimer: The above Problem SQL programs is generated by Hackerrank but the Solution is Provided by Chase2Learn. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning purposes. Authority if any of the queries regarding this post or website fill the following contact form thank you.

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