what is Leetcode and how to get a solutions?

1 min readJan 17, 2023

LeetCode is a website that provides a collection of coding challenges that are commonly used in software engineering interviews. The challenges are designed to test a candidate’s problem-solving and coding skills, and they cover a wide range of topics such as data structures, algorithms, and databases.

To get solutions for LeetCode problems, you can:

  1. Try solving the problem on your own by reading the problem statement and using your own logic and knowledge.
  2. Search online for solutions, including on LeetCode’s own platform which has a discussion section for most of the problem, where multiple solutions are shared by community members.
  3. Join online coding communities, such as coding forums and Discord groups, where people share solutions and discuss different approaches to solving problems.
  4. Learn from instructional videos and tutorials that are available on platforms like YouTube and Coursera.

It’s important to note that simply looking at the solution without attempting to solve the problem on your own will not help you improve your coding skills. It’s recommended to first make an attempt on your own and then look at the solution to understand the different approaches and how you can improve.

If you’re looking for help with All Leetcode Solutions in Single Post, Directly copy-paste these codes into the Leetcode terminal and you are good to go. Leetcode Solutions in C++, Java, and Python. Quick start Let’s code!




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